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A webhook allows to make requests following certain Dato events. It is linked to a Role, which describes what actions can be performed.

Object payload

id  string
ID of webhook
type  string
Must be exactly "webhook"
name  string  Example: "Item type creation/update"

Unique name for the webhook

url  string  Example: ""

The URL to be called

enabled  boolean  Example: true

Whether the webhook is enabled and sending events or not

headers  object  Example: {"X-Foo":"Bar"}

Additional headers that will be sent

events  Array  Example: [{"entity_type":"item_type","event_types":["update","create"],"filter":{"entity_type":"item_type","entity_ids":["42","43"]}}]

All the events you will be notified for

http_basic_user  string, null  Example: "user"

HTTP Basic Authorization username

http_basic_password  string, null  Example: "password"

HTTP Basic Authorization password

custom_payload  string, null  Example: "{ \"message\": \"{{event_type}} event triggered on {{entity_type}}!\", \"entity_id\": \"{{#entity}}{{id}}{{/entity}}\"] }"

A custom payload

payload_api_version  string  Example: "3"

Specifies which API version to use when serializing entities in the webhook payload

nested_items_in_payload  boolean  Example: true

Whether the you want records present in the payload to show blocks expanded or not

Available endpoints