Projects showcase

SfG Basel Relaunch

The relaunch of the website of the Schule für Gestaltung Basel (Basel School of Design) makes the diverse worlds of its departments and educational programs more accessible than ever before.

Made by dreipol
Project shots
Macbook Mockup
Education course view
Backend shots
Dato CMS Edit View Pre-course
Dato CMS Edit View Pre-courses
Dato CMS Edit View Insights
Dato CMS Edit View Vocational School
About the project

With the relaunch of its website, the Schule für Gestaltung Basel presents a fresh and attractive way to "see, experience and learn" online. The new design combines the Swiss graphic design significantly influenced by the SfG Basel with a modern web presence, placing special emphasis on layout and typography. An overarching visual concept and a revised information architecture integrate the offers and institutions into a harmonious whole.

At the same time, however, the individual character of its departments and educational courses is highlighted: a new 3D concept utilizes the possibilities of digital space and makes it possible to experience the departments and educational courses through different materialities. The 3D elements can be easily adapted and individualized by the individual institutions via the CMS.

Navigation between the pages and the departments and courses is accompanied by seamless camera movements through a persistent 3D environment. Thanks to Parallel Routes, a new feature of next.js, we were able to combine the advantages of single-page and multi-page web applications. Although visitors always remain within the 3D environment, the individual pages are treated separately and are therefore search engine friendly.

With its user-friendly and intuitive design, the new website introduces users from all target groups to the various subjects and programs offered by the SfG Basel. The animated transitions and the individualized look of the individual departments and courses invite users to explore and ensure accessible navigation and a consistent user experience from the homepage to the courses on offer. This allows the SfG Basel to promote interaction and engagement among existing and potential students and successfully present itself online as an attractive educational institution.

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Hi, this is dreipol from Zurich. We have been successfully designing and developing innovative mobile and web applications since 2010.
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DatoCMS Implementation
Content Modeling
Technology Solution Consulting